
幼児言語発達の計算論的アプローチの研究で有名なフランクリン・チャン博士(リバプール大学/心理学部)をお招きし,京都大学文学部(吉田キャンパス)で2013年12月19日 16時30分から講演会を開催します(主催:板倉研究室,協賛:幼児言語発達研究会)。ご興味のある方は,お気軽にどうぞ(一般公開/登録不要)。

日時: 2013年12月19日(木) 16:30−18:00
場所: 京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究2号館 第9講義室(地図では8番)
演者:    フランクリン・チャン博士(リバプール大学)

Linking production, comprehension, and learning: A computational P-chain approach
Franklin Chang (University of Liverpool)

Traditionally, production, comprehension, and acquisition have been studied separately.  My talk will review work looking at how we can link these domains together into a unified framework called the P-chain (Dell & Chang, 2013).  The implications of this framework can be seen in work with connectionist model called the Dual-path model that can learn English or Japanese (Chang, 2009; Chang, Dell, & Bock, 2006), and which can explain different production and comprehension behaviours in each language.  Finally, I will discuss a new version of the Dual-path model which extracts meaning from visual scenes and which can explain eye-tracking in the visual world studies in English and Korean.  This spatial Dual-path model shows how the action understanding abilities that infants exhibit in social cognition studies can be used as the basis for language acquisition (Tomasello, 2003).

Papers are available on his website here.